Adelaide City Seventh Day Adventist Church
Address: 82 Angus st Adelaide ( map )
Worship Times: 9.30am Sabbath (Saturday) – Sabbath School, 11.00am Worship Service, 12.30pm Soup and Buns Fellowship
Pastor and Contact Details: Pr Garry Hodgkin,
Welcome! A Thought from the Pastor
Welcome to Adelaide City Seventh -day Adventist Church. It is wonderful you have found the site of the only Adventist Church in Central Adelaide. This Church is a vibrant congregation of almost 200 attendees. Our congregation is very multi cultural with representatives of every continent choosing to worship with us each weekend. If you know of someone who would appreciate a visit from the pastor or one of the elders or a bible worker. If you would like to receive our weekly email please provide your email address in the box.
Upcoming Ministry Events
Friday Night, University “Care Groups”
This Friday evening and every Friday evening, university students and young professionals meet together for Caregroup. Commencing at 6:30pm, the evening involves dinner together, singing, fellowship, Bible discovery and sharing. For more details contact Emmanuel on 0415 270 720.